Sunday, September 29, 2013
Best Selling Math Product Giveaway!
I am so excited to be part of Carrie and Caitlin's Best Selling Math Product Giveaway! Be sure to check it out at Table Talk with C&C You can win my Comparing and Ordering Numbers set as well as many other amazing products from some fabulous teachers!! Be sure to check it out!

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Five for Friday (on Saturday)
I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for their weekly Five for Friday! Sorry it's a day late! :)
1. All About a Number
I'm LOVING including my "All About a Number" bulletin board pack in my calendar time with my kinders! They are really thinking about the number I give them- we use the day of the month that it is. They are getting so good at finding the number on my 100's chart, and then telling the number before it, and after it. My favorite part is that we show it on ten frames and then tell how many groups of ten it is. Decomposing numbers is a standard that is difficult for my kinders, and I really think looking at it daily is helping! Be sure to check it out at my store!!
I'm really trying to include more crafts this year. I'm trying to keep them related to something we are working on, but I feel like sometimes I get caught up in all that we HAVE to do, and I forget that it is kindergarten! Here is our latest... Nothing too fancy, but we had fun! The trees were die-cuts and then I just chopped up construction paper and had my kiddos glue it on. Then all they had to do is fill in the blanks with their names and color words. :) You can find the printable for the writing part of it for free at my store!
5. Fall is coming!!!
Sorry I don't have a picture, but I'm SO happy it's starting to feel like fall! We've had the windows open, and today we had chili cooking in the crock pot all day and I made another loaf of pumpkin bread! :)
I hope you all had a wonderful week! Don't forget to check out Doodle Bugs to find out what other teachers are up to!
1. All About a Number
I'm LOVING including my "All About a Number" bulletin board pack in my calendar time with my kinders! They are really thinking about the number I give them- we use the day of the month that it is. They are getting so good at finding the number on my 100's chart, and then telling the number before it, and after it. My favorite part is that we show it on ten frames and then tell how many groups of ten it is. Decomposing numbers is a standard that is difficult for my kinders, and I really think looking at it daily is helping! Be sure to check it out at my store!!
2. My version of Daily 5
My kids are doing very well working independently at their Daily 5 centers. We work for 12 minutes at each center, and they know they are expected to work the whole time, and that I (as well as my assistant) are working with our groups and can not talk to them during this time- unless of course it's an emergency. Here are a few pics of some of their centers!
Word Work:
Read to Self:
3. Trying to be crafty
I'm really trying to include more crafts this year. I'm trying to keep them related to something we are working on, but I feel like sometimes I get caught up in all that we HAVE to do, and I forget that it is kindergarten! Here is our latest... Nothing too fancy, but we had fun! The trees were die-cuts and then I just chopped up construction paper and had my kiddos glue it on. Then all they had to do is fill in the blanks with their names and color words. :) You can find the printable for the writing part of it for free at my store!
4. Daddy's Home!
My week is always a little bit easier when my pilot husband is home.. This week, I was def a little bit jealous of the fun he was having with Amelia while I was at school! They went to Baby Time at our local library, and then went to check out a new park! I'm so glad she is able to do these things with him, but, I'd be lying if I said I was okay not being part of it...
5. Fall is coming!!!
Sorry I don't have a picture, but I'm SO happy it's starting to feel like fall! We've had the windows open, and today we had chili cooking in the crock pot all day and I made another loaf of pumpkin bread! :)
I hope you all had a wonderful week! Don't forget to check out Doodle Bugs to find out what other teachers are up to!

Monday, September 16, 2013
Best Reading Activity Linky and Giveaway!

Thursday, September 5, 2013
Comparing Numbers in Kindergarten
This week we have been working on KCC6 (Comparing Numbers). We have been working on ordering and comparing numbers 1-5. I was excited to use my fall themed comparing numbers unit! Check it out at my store!
As I said, we are only focusing on numbers 1-5 to begin with, so my kiddos started with this:

As I said, we are only focusing on numbers 1-5 to begin with, so my kiddos started with this:
I gave them a sentence strip, and had them cut these out, put them in the correct order, and glue them to the strip.
After that, we got out counters. Although there are pictures on the cards that coincide with each number, I find that it helps them visualize better if they are physically putting the counters with the number. So I would pick two numbers, and have them place the correct number of counters on the card. I then would say "Put your hand on the number that shows more" or "Put your hand on the number that shows less" This was a simple way for me to quickly walk around and assess to see who understand and who doesn't!
Later I used these to really assess which students understand the idea and which do not. Since they were sitting close to people at their tables during the first activity, we got out our clip boards and spread out around the room. I didn't want anyone to be tempted to check out their friend's answers :)
Here they are with their clip boards spread out around my room and working hard!
(Obviously you still need to use a clip board even if you are at a table) :)
I hope you find this unit to be helpful in your class! Be sure to check out this unit at my store!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013
September Currently!
I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade to share what I'm up to! August is always a little bit crazy, so I'm happy that it's over and we're starting to get into a little bit of a routine!
It's pretty quiet after I put my little girl to sleep, so I hear the news in the background, and my dog Maddie eating her dinner. She refuses to eat until I'm sitting in the room with her.. silly dog :)
I'm happy that we're getting closer to fall! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE summer, but, after school starts, I don't need the hot summer days anymore... I love the cool weather of fall, and I love the clothes as well!
My goodness, from me being sick on Friday (and still not feeling quite 100%) and my daughter getting sick on Sunday, I'm just worn out! I do not feel like we had a long weekend at all.. Ready for bed early tonight, for sure!
I am over the sickness! I was so worried as many of my kids were getting this stomach bug and missing school last week. Although I honestly never get sick, I just had a bad feeling. Sure enough, Friday at 2am.. my turn! I had another kiddo get sick in my room today. You better believe that I am sanitizing as often as possible!
I'm excited to be an assistant coach for Girls on the Run this fall! I was a running buddy a few years ago, but this is the first year that I've helped coach! It's such a wonderful program, but I'm also thinking that this is the perfect thing to make me get back in shape!
Be sure to check out what other teachers are currently up to!

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